Two exams this week which brought with a lot readings. Fortunately, the readings are interesting. Company culture is very important especially for those company hove thousands employers. The readings reminded me the talk between me and my farther about the suicide cases happened in a Chinese company several years ago. The official reports said that the reason were high pressure. My farther told me that high pressure is good unless you have a positive atmosphere to balance it, otherwise, bad things happen. A positive atmosphere usually is from a good company culture. The common value among employers and employees which we called culture will create a standard of behavior subconsciously for everybody. They will not choose to end their life when they face pressure, since nobody even think about it.
Another interesting thing is the disease curer case. Most discussions could be split into two parts
"Hey, we need them to save thousands of pregnant women, each of them means two lives."
"Wait, we need oranges for all the lives around west coach, and I cannot count how many people we will save."
blah, blah, blah......
This is the first part. Suddenly, some body said, "we need juice to make the curer."
"Wait, wait, wait, you only need the juice? Oh, we need peel (I cannot remember exactly what the other group need)."
"Really? We can buy these orange together, I will pay half for the juice."
This is the second part.